Rachael Kelsey and Sir Peter Singer on arbitration
1st October 2015
Rachael Kelsey will be speaking with Sir Peter Singer at the 2nd Annual Johannesburg Family Law Conference on 1st October 2015. She will be talking about Arbitration in Family Law cases under the Scottish FLAGS scheme while Sir Peter will be talking about the corresponding scheme, under English and Welsh law, IFLA. Rachael was one of the founder members of FLAGS which provides a bespoke arbitration service in financial and child cases. Arbitration, as a DR (dispute resolution) model has a number of advantages over traditional litigation: it provides an efficient, flexible and cost-effective way of resolving differences, where a couple need an adjudication. It is private and allows the couple to select their own decision maker from a pool of just under fifty FLAGS arbitrators who are all experienced family lawyers (solicitors and counsel) or former members of the judiciary who have undergone specialist training to act as arbitrators in family cases. More information can be obtained from any of the four SKO FLAGS arbitrators, Rachael Kelsey, Alison Edmondson, Robert Gilmour and Jenny Maciver.